Friday, April 18, 2014

1.A.5 Identify cognitive targets (e.g., locate/recall;integrate/interpret;critique/evaluate and the role of cognitive development in the construction of meaning of literary and informational texts.

Cognitive targets set the framework for constructing questions for formal assessments. Locate/ recall, are questions that are often referred to as “right there questions.” Students will be able to read a question and go right t0 the part of the story where the answer is located. Integrate/Interpret is the way a student makes comparisons in the text to determine the answer to a question. Teachers refer to this method as a “seek and find” answer. It demands a student analyze the text more to determine the answer. Critique/evaluate is when students have to review a book critically and answer questions about the book. For instance, I may ask “Why did you like this book?” Students will then give a critique on why they liked the book.  When a student can identify these targets they are demonstrating their knowledge in understanding and answering what is being asked of them. In a literary text it might be describing a character’s role in a particular book or perhaps they are recalling specific dates from an informational text. The reader should be able to construct meaning to whatever it is they are reading.

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